Road To Greenville

- Lake Belton
- Belton
- Temple
- Rogers
- Cameron
- Little River Academy
- Milano
- Rosebud/Lott
- Buckholts
- Westphalia
November - Feb 1st
Birth Years:
2012 & 2013
(2011’s are too old 2015’s are too young, NO WAY around this rule)
Team Manager Selection:Â February 9th
If you want to coach a team, please ensure your child is registered by Feb 9th and request to be a Head Coach/Assistant Coach in the volunteer section during online registration.
———>>Coach Form<<———-
Mandatory Coaches Meeting:
February 10th, 6:30 pm
Location: Little River Academy Fields
Tryouts & Draft Dates
Held at Academy Little League Fields
February 19th
• 6:00 pm -Softball (12U)
• 7:00 pm - Draft
Opening Day:
- March 25th / April 1st
- League Season
March - June 20thÂ
Salado, TX
- District Tournament
June 15th - 24th
Waco, Tx
- Sectional Tournament
July 1st - 3th
Waco, Tx
- State Tournament
July 10th - 14th
Abilene, Tx
July 24th - July 28th
Waco, Texas
July 31st -Â August 6th
Greenville, NC